Thursday, February 22, 2007

Penguin shrine, the outside

Here's the outside of the penguine shrine. The bottom part with the penguins is actually the top of the tin, so you see that first. I liked the play on words of "snowbird" as both the bird and the ski resort. The white stuff is molding paste made to look like snow. Then I signed and dated the bottom of the tin.

Altered Altoid tin: Penguins

Here is the inside of a little shrine on penguins that I made for a trade. It's an altered Altoid tin. At a local thrift store, I found this cute little pin of penguins skiing, so decided to send them on vacation to Snowbird, Utah, a fun ski resort I used to go to when I lived in Utah. I printed out a trail map and used that as the background, then added diamond glaze over the top to make it shiny.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My very first fabric postcard, sent to Mum and Dad for Valentine's.

More fabric postcards I made for Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here's a picture of the fabric postcard I made for my husband. I actually mailed it to him and it came yesterday, in very good shape. That's the first time I've mailed any of these things. He liked it.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bed Hog

Cocoa shamelessly hogging my side of the bed. Oink!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

the other side of the Anime Mag Bag.

Anime Mag Bag

Just finished another mag bag, this one with pages from magazines on Anime. Very colorful, lots of faces, I really like how it turned out. I will save this to sell at the Anodyne show in October.