Yes! The long awaited (at least by me) story of my brush with gun violence in retail world. I've been trying to write this story for a long time but was too much of a perfectionist about it to ever get through it before. Well, I got over that. I think having a baby does that to you. Sorts out your priorities. Makes you get things done. No dawdling. Anyhoo, you can read my exciting adventure for a paltry sum. Just go to my Etsy shop and buy a copy. And can I please remind you that I want your stories for the next issue? See this post for more details. Have I harped on that enough yet?? Maybe after you read this issue you'll be inspired. I hope so. I have been reading a really fun zine that I want to plug here called The LaLa Theory. It's a fun look at language and it's the kind of writing that inspires me to write, which I just love. She has many different zines and I just ordered a couple more. I hope she comes to visit my lil' blog.
Here I am visiting! Thank you for the shout-out and the invitation. What a good idea for a zine this is. I'm really looking forward to reading your story, to begin with, but you know, as a serial zine this is a great subject. I mean, how many writers do time in a bookstore? Right?? Tomorrow I'm going to turn my thoughts to my booksellin' days and see if I can think of something worth relating. Till soon ...
I not only checked out your blog and your Etsy shop from your online wishlist, but I've put this Zine in my favorites list. It looks fascinating!
Oh, and if you look up ellenillustrates on Etsy, I have a few other zines in my favorites. I haven't read them so I can't recommend them. They just sounded interesting to me and might to you too.
ellie1200 from swap-bot
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