Thursday, September 02, 2010

Minnesota State Fair Crop Art!

One of my favorite parts of the State Fair is the crop art gallery.  It's art done with seeds, and these are a few of my favorites this year.  I thought this one was clever and really nice looking.  And it has a dog.  So that always makes it good.  He's a fun dog, kind of reminds me of Mr. Peabody.

And here we have a Barbie.  Funny.  I think she's got some melanoma on her legs, though.  Better get that checked out, hon.

And I LOVE this one.  See, some of these pieces are silly, and some are very amateurish.  And then you have some like this, that had to take weeks, even months to make.  It's really a nice piece of art.  I would put it on my wall.  Way to go, Darlene.  And she got a blue ribbon!

And here's another amazing piece.  This one also got a blue ribbon.  And it uses about 30 different kinds of seeds. 


Parabolic Muse said...

I love it when you show the pieces from this show. The bottom one is my favorite!

man, I'm gone for one day, and then you just post like crazy!

Ollie said...

so cool. It's been a while since I've seen seed collages. brilliant