Crop Art is one of my favorite things at the State Fair. It's art made from seeds and beans and, you know, stuff from crops. Isn't Mr. Kitty goofy?

Some mornings I wake up from this dream about a friend I haven't seen in 20-odd years, and my chest feels hollowed out with longing for him, for that connection. It feels deliciously right and disappointingly sad at the same time. It's a mystery.
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Calling Designers and Artists
Create Heart Art to Donate to raise funds
for Hurricane Katrina Victims Relief
Donate Art to Raise Funds for Hurricane Victims Relief at ProjectHeART@hotmail.com
Deadline Sept 16, 2005
Grab a pen, a pencil or your brush, and help the victims of Hurricane Katrina rebuild their lives! We can do it, We can Help!
Charity is about money, if you are an artist pick up a pen and lend your talent.
Project HeART is asking artists from tattooists to painters to pick up a 4”x6” index card and give heART!
Design a realistic heart, paint a sacred heart, sketch a traditional heart- whatever your style may be, combine your amazing talent with that of other great artists to help the victims of Katrina who have lost everything.
We are gathering works of art into one large piece for a charity auction on eBay, with all profits going to Habitat for Humanity.
Don't have an index card? Or prefer working on another material? Any 4”x 6” paper will do! Your contribution is more appreciated than you will know!
Include your name, website, company, or other information you want attached to your work. Also send your email address to be made aware of the upcoming auction!
Spread the word and send your submissions by September 16, 2005 to:
Project HeART
c/o Brandon
1885 California Ave.
Corona, CA 92881
Let us know you're participating! Email ProjectHeART@hotmail.com for more information or to sign up!
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