Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Long Haul

Hmmm, I think I used this title already but it feels appropriate again. I'm going off my headache prevention medication so we can try to get pregnant again, and I've got a headache now. It's not killer but it's very tiring. So I don't feel like doing a whole lot. I hope we get pregnant soon and then magically I don't get anymore headaches!! Hey, it could happen.

I did manage to get through the demo of Kool-Aid dyeing yarn at the Knitters Guild meeting last night, even with this headache, and it went really well. People were very inspired to go home and try this on their own, which was exactly what we were hoping for. I gave away the yarn that I demonstrated on, and made people promise to bring it back to a future meeting to show us what they'd knitted from it.

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