Thursday, February 12, 2009

Inside the Mind of an Artist: An Inspiring Place

So first of all, it wasn't Sonja's fault, my fabric giveaway winner who didn't seem to be giving a hoot because she hadn't answered my email saying she'd won a fabulous prize package. She had been emailing me but her emails weren't going through for some reason. So, resourceful as she is, she tried emailing me through my blog and leaving comments. So she really does appreciate being the winner. I've deleted most of her comments, tho, because the rest of the world didn't need her address, just moi.

Now, on to Lenny. Tonight I'm watching this fabulous show on Ovation TV called Leonard Bernstein: Reflections, and it is just so wonderful. I already love his work as a composer, but this is more about his creative process, and he's so smart that he's really good at describing the creative process and how it can be wonderful to be alone creating, that you don't really feel alone when you're in that zone. The show airs again on March 6th, I'd recommend recording it if you can. If you're any kind of creative, it will inspire you.


Chris said...

doncha love Ovation? I have about 4 hours of Ovation on m DVR right now, waiting until I can look up at the screen while it's on.

Chris said...

okay, how do we see who won the anti-valentine's contest? Am I blocked from seeing the winners because I didn't send mine in?! AUGH