So, I mentioned I made those clocks for a craft fair coming up. I also made all this goodness. The coasters were already done, of course, and in my Arf shop, but I made all the zippies. They are basically two different sizes. Small change purse size, and bigger ones long enough to hold pens and pencils and even small drawing pads or ATC cards to doodle on. Oh, and one needle book that I did finally list in Arf. I will be listing these zippies soon on Arf. That's my Artfire shop, for those of you unfamiliar with my typing quirk (whenever I try to type "Artfire" it comes out "Arf").
I've gotten the application in for the craft fair, called Johnstock, which was stressful, probably why I ended up going into the hospital for a migraine last week... (and I don't know when we hear back if we got in--it's juried, and they're deciding AS applications come in, not at the end of the acceptance period for application time. But at least it's out of my hands now.) But it's no wonder I got stressed. I had to sort of define myself (and two other people who are doing it with me) as an artist. It was like doing a resume, which everyone loves. Ugh. Describing my wares was easy. But describing myself and my business was difficult. I don't feel like I've developed a signature style yet, and I feel like it's even harder because I don't do just one type of craft or art (and don't have any desire to limit myself to such). Which made me have a think. I was looking at the posting in Arf today about how they want columnists for their different departments and here I am, a writer, an "artisan," (it's still hard to say that without quotes, even though I know it's wrong, it's a completely wrong use of quotation marks, besides being a chicken way of claiming my talent), and I think, yeah, that would be fun. But I don't like any of their departments. They say you can propose a new department to be a columnist for, and I'm thinking about doing just that. Here's my department:
How do you grow into yourself as an artist? It's a deceptively simple question. But who am I as an artist? I'm not the Crafty Chica. She has a definitely recognizable style. That's what I mean, how do you develop a recognizable style? Is it a deliberate process? Is this too ethereal of a subject? Or is it just plain and simple branding? What do you think? It's just that when they do the "Featured Artisan" articles, I always feel left out, like I'm not there yet, and when do I get to be a grown-up artist? I think I'm talented now, it's not that, it's just, well, is it even important for people to look at a piece and say "Oh, that's an Alterior Motives piece"? I don't know. Hmmm. Columnworthy?
You are SO showing off with those zips. I must overcome my phobia of zips. I must. I love those pouches of yours (that's the sewn one, I'm not inferring that you resemble a hamster. Or a kangaroo.) x
I have heard from two different sources this week something I have known all along but keep forgetting. If you zero in on your purpose, your direction, what you're passionate about, and start moving, everything will fall into place. It won't necessarily be easy. But opportunity and preparation will collide.
I think your style is functional, colorful, whimsical, playful. I think it's a direct line to the 50s and 60s. But without the reverence.
I hope you get into the fair. I would buy your zippies in every size. You have told me not to order them, but I may have to violate that. so, neener neener.
like yer new banner
thanks for the shout out!
here are some tips...
sit down and write down all the common threads that run throughout all your projects. what is the common theme? is it color, the layout, etc?
write down your criteria when you want to make something. the main things YOU always like to make sure you have, like function, a happy vibe, lots of color, etc?
make it more visual - if you had to describe your work/style to someone on an elevator, how would you relay your art into words? you have to make a picture with words. i like to take TV shows and pop culture references. like my art style is like ugly betty-meets-frida kahlo-meets-a Bollywood musical! you canhave alot of fun with this game. you can say "ed hardy-meets-martha stewart", etc...
once you do these things it will really help you refine your signature style and brand!
your work is awesome, good luck!!
peace, love, and glitter1
kathy :-)
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